I had been wanting a good 60's vintage suit for some time, one with a fur collar preferably contrasting to the suit. This one is a dress suit with a mink collar, by "Visconti." Was not familiar about the label but it is in great condition. Do you think people would think it was weird if I wore this to interviews? I sooooo can't stand my Nine West pantsuit, I don't feel like myself.

Then I got these boots:

I probably didn't need these, since I already have a pair of red boots, but not ones with heels. These are dreamy.
And as it was an exeedingly cold day, I was on the lookout for a good muff. Even with gloves on my hands were numb, so I picked out this awesome black one. I know, I know, I'm Cruella DeVille. Whatever, it was already dead. She threw in the polka dot gloves for free!

I think I could wear all this together.
I felt bad for all the market vendors, it was FREEZING in there and business seemed a little slow.
After that my motivation to got the gym fizzled as I could no longer feel my extremeties, and I decided to get home as fast as possible, but on the way back I had to pass by Shake Shack, Danny Meyer's burger place. This place is known for its insane line:

So since there was none, I got a burger ($3.75) and then hopped on the subway. Waiting in the cold for it to be cooked was unpleasant but it sure was tasty. Not Dumont tasty but you can't get a much better burger for that cheap.
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