It was sooooo cold today. Like, bone chilling, nose dripping, foot numbing cold. I ventured out of the house to get a facial at this place called
Finesse Spa. I get them about once a year, usually when my skin is acting up which it has been ever since I got back from London. They were having a special... it was nice, they steamed my face and put my hands in these warm gloves things so it definitely thawed me out. The plan was to go to the gym and then go home, but the spa was across the street from the Chelsea Flea Market where I've never been so I decided to go check it out to see if they had any vintage patterns or anything of interest. Did not find any patterns but I did find some other things, this one lady had a stall where everything was really cheap, she gave me the following all for $115:

I had been wanting a good 60's vintage suit for some time, one with a fur collar preferably contrasting to the suit. This one is a dress suit with a mink collar, by "Visconti." Was not familiar about the label but it is in great condition. Do you think people would think it was weird if I wore this to interviews? I sooooo can't stand my Nine West pantsuit, I don't feel like myself.

Then I got these boots:

I probably didn't need these, since I already have a pair of red boots, but not ones with heels. These are dreamy.
And as it was an exeedingly cold day, I was on the lookout for a good muff. Even with gloves on my hands were numb, so I picked out this awesome black one. I know, I know, I'm Cruella DeVille. Whatever, it was already dead. She threw in the polka dot gloves for free!

I think I could wear all this together.
I felt bad for all the market vendors, it was FREEZING in there and business seemed a little slow.
After that my motivation to got the gym fizzled as I could no longer feel my extremeties, and I decided to get home as fast as possible, but on the way back I had to pass by
Shake Shack, Danny Meyer's burger place. This place is known for its insane line:

So since there was none, I got a burger ($3.75) and then hopped on the subway. Waiting in the cold for it to be cooked was unpleasant but it sure was tasty. Not Dumont tasty but you can't get a much better burger for that cheap.